
CF Coaching Mastermind & Mentorship

The Amplifiers Mastermind
Next registration date opens June 2024

The Amplifiers Mastermind is an intimate and immersive journey into your full expression of yourself in your life. Success on your terms. Wholeness. Truth. Range. Self Leadership. Open-hearted communication. 

Spanning over 3 months, with only a handful of participants, we will journey together through 1:1 support, a rolling group What's App dialogue & small group mastermind calls together.

Amplifiers also includes full access to our signature RESOURCED program and all other CF Coaching programs.

Who this Mastermind experience for…

The Amplifiers Mastermind is designed for those who are looking to accelerate their results in life, relationships, career & business. It is for those who have travelled the path of personal development & have decided that it’s time to take a bigger, bolder leap into their lives and results.

Simply put, the Amplifiers experience will transform your life.

  • “Someone asked me what the biggest lesson was I learned in the Amplifiers and in that moment I knew that it was that I belonged there despite the discomfort I felt. That I bring my own gifts to the table when I show up as the best version of myself and I sat back and smiled knowing that that in itself was a gold nugget.”

    Amplifiers Client Reflection

  • “Being a part of the Amplifiers Mastermind changed everything for me. I found my voice, I found my calling, and I found a courage to pursue my deepest desires. It wasn't always comfortable, it stretched me in ways I didn't think I could stretch, but having Catherine by my side to always support me, guide me, and remind me of who I am, has turned me into a powerful force that knows exactly where she is going!”

    Amplifiers Client reflection upon graduating

  • "Catherine I am so grateful for you, I don't think I tell you that enough. You have had a phenomenal impact on the way I see the world and see myself. Thank you for believing in me and helping me believe in myself. "

    Amplifiers Client testimonial upon graduating

  • "It's blowing my mind. This f-ing container, man. It collapses time and brings so much clarity it's wild!"

    Amplifiers Client reflection after a big win

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.”

~ Lao Tzu



Don’t be shy, I’m a champion question-asker myself! Click here to ask us any questions you have about this Journey Session.